6 Ways to help your mind unwind and promote heart health


A quick flip through the news channels, the updates on the radio, and the heartbreaking images on social media show a world full of chaos. The sights and sounds from these constant updates can bombard our senses and cause stress. Continual stress isn’t good for anyone or their hearts. It’s especially important to learn how to manage stress and take an active role in the health of our heart.

According to Harvard Health Publishing and The American Heart Association, here are some simple ways to manage stress to maintain a healthy heart:

Exercise regularly- Moving your body produces endorphins, which boost your mood. It also can lower your blood pressure and strengthen your heart muscle. From a simple walk to a great game of pickleball, your heart will thank you!

Focus on the Good- Stay positive and find ways to laugh. “Laughter has been found to lower levels of stress hormones, reduce inflammation in the arteries, and increase good HDL cholesterol.” (Harvard Health Publishing, 2019 )

Meditate- Deep breathing exercises can relax both the mind and body. It has also been shown to help reduce high blood pressure.

Focus on Healthy Social Connections- Make time for friends and family who are dear to you. It’s important to take the time to connect to those you trust and build those social and emotional bonds.

Unplug- Even a short amount of time unplugged helps to stop the noise from overwhelming the body. Take a break from emails, responding to that unimportant text, or having the tv on.  

Find a stimulating hobby- Find something enjoyable that engages the mind and takes the focus off of your worries. Play some music and let the good times flow while focusing on a healthy activity and distraction.

By learning to manage stress, you are taking an active role in your heart health. Relax and unwind, you’ve got this!




“5 ways to de-stress and help your heart” Harvard Health Publishing, 29 July 2019, www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/5-ways-to-de-stress-and-help-your-heart 

“Stress and Heart Health” American Heart Association, 21 June 2021,
